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We are a Digital Marketing Agency, offering Advanced Strategies since 1995 to improve your brand's ROI.
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Create value with Excellence in Design
Leading Brands are born from Design Thinking. Express your own DNA with a captivating and engaging Identity.
Discover our Case Study
Brand Analysis
- Market Research
- Positioning
- Tone & Voice
Brand Design
- Logo & Style Guide
- Conversion-Centric Design
- Website / Mobile
Brand Experience
- UX / UI
- Video Branding
- Audio Branding
Digital Strategy
Connect with your most profitable Targets
We help you to identify your most profitable clients and develop strategies to impact them in the right place and at the right time.
Discover our Case Study
- Profitability Analysis
- Buyer Persona
- Digital Lifestyle
- Funnel Optimisation
- Tactical Campaigns
- Geomarketing
- Retention Programmes
- Gamification
- Affiliate Marketing
Increase your Sales with new online customers
We create your online store from scratch or help you admin your e-commerce and make it more profitable with Promotion and Growth Strategies.
Discover our Case Study
E-Commerce Creation
- Development
- Addons & Modules
- Maintenance & Helpdesk
- Amazon, AliExpress
- Marketplace Promotion
- Product Sync
E-Commerce Marketing
- Automated E-Mails
- AI Smart Search
- Live Shopping
E-Mail Marketing
Reach consumers with relevance, in Real Time
Stop boring all your customers with the same message. Let's create more effective customer journeys together with AI-based Marketing Automation.
Discover our Case Study
E-Mail Automation
- Customer Journeys
- Triggers & Business Rules
- Omnichannel Experiences
Data Integration
- Data Architecture
- CRM / Data Optimisation
- Reporting
AI Personalisation
- Smart Content
- Smart Audiences
- Smart Deliverability
Video & Voice
Share your Brand Story in compelling ways
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a thousand images. Increase your conversions by adding visual content and podcasting to bring your brand alive.
Discover our BV Story Studio
- Animated Infographics
- Product Presentations
- Client Testimonials
- Radio Adverts
- Multilingual Voiceovers
- Podcasting
- Social Media Shorts
- E-Commerce Videos
- DNA & Brandgibility
Our Clients
The BV Team
The People Who Power Your Project
"Most of our clients end up feeling like close friends and family. We build long-term commitments with them."
"R&D is a big part of our culture. We are constantly innovating, with special attention to Voice, AI & Smart Data."
“The goal of my team is simple: Strategic Excellence. We focus on creating compelling Creativity that produces measurable results.”
"We optimise your Flow. Always-On, Mobile customers demand the FASTEST possible path to the info they need. We program everything with this in mind."
"Today, a company’s image is living & dynamic. We can help you create an effective Communications Strategy with Events Marketing, PR & more."
"Simplicity and relevance: these guide our design process. Relevant, clean, personal and human: that's our goal."
"We believe in the value of relevant relationships and personalisation. And we apply AI to make your business grow."
"We create Marketing Automation and Omnichannel solutions: right product, right person, right time."
“’Excellence’ is our motto in the IT Department, so we are constantly improving tools and methodologies."
"Attention to detail is critical for our many International clients. We don't translate, we localise. Even technically."
"If dogs don't like your dog food, the packaging doesn't matter."
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